marți, 31 mai 2022

prima intrare in blog dupa aproape 5 ani;

 Bine v-am gasit, complexatilor.

Ma bucur de unelte si va scriu! Vai de pula voastra!

duminică, 2 iulie 2017

2 1

Oare când îți dai blackjack singur, 
al cui noroc îl ai, şi a cui karmã arzi?

marți, 20 septembrie 2016


Sunt 15C si mi-e frig si somn si soarele nu ne mai gaseste si cetațenii pietoni alearga marunt care-ncotro in zgomotul infernal al autovehiculelor si al firobuzelor si al sirenelor spre un viitor luminos si o noua superba si plina de rost zi in care o sa invațam ceva nou si important si o sa ne facem noi prieteni.
31 de ani mai tarziu inca mi-e frig si inca n-am invațat nimic si sunt singur printre sirene si e plin de cacat de ciori si nimic nu s-a schimbat.
Way to go to school!
Am nevoie de soare. Am nevoie de un chiul mare mare de tot.

sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2015

what do you do best ?

Dreaming. Definitely dreaming. Or so. I just... You know... do my mojo, and then... the whole world just starts to swim. Swim where ? I Don't fuckin' know. Just Swim, you know. Like shelves. And books, and shit. Or like fishes in mermaid positions, but not like that, just like sick. Like... the whole world gonna cum next and make a big fuzz, ... but nobody was there., Like the song. With the trip to the fair. You know ? But nobody was there. I'ts lad like a brittish bad mellodramma.
You wanna try ?

luni, 16 noiembrie 2015

BBC: shut down the crap some call music!

" Rhythm, which is the sound of life, has been largely replaced by electrical pulses, produced by a machine programmed to repeat itself ad infinitum, and to thrust its booming bass notes into the very bones of the victim. Whole areas of civic space in our society are now policed by this sound, which drives anybody with the slightest feeling for music to distraction, and ensures that for many of us a visit to the pub or a meal in a restaurant have lost their residual meaning."
"There are two reasons why this vacuous music has flown into every public space. One is the vast change in the human ear brought about by the mass production of sound. The other is the failure of the law to protect us from the result. For our ancestors music was something that you sat down to listen to, or which you made for yourself. It was a ceremonial event, in which you participated, either as a passive listener or as an active performer. Either way you were giving and receiving life, sharing in something of great social significance."

BBC: CLICK AICI si citeste articolul integral, se merita : - )