sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2015

what do you do best ?

Dreaming. Definitely dreaming. Or so. I just... You know... do my mojo, and then... the whole world just starts to swim. Swim where ? I Don't fuckin' know. Just Swim, you know. Like shelves. And books, and shit. Or like fishes in mermaid positions, but not like that, just like sick. Like... the whole world gonna cum next and make a big fuzz, ... but nobody was there., Like the song. With the trip to the fair. You know ? But nobody was there. I'ts lad like a brittish bad mellodramma.
You wanna try ?

3 comentarii:

  1. "what do you do best?" Sa critic, mai ales pe tine, ca tot ma dor articulatiile de la raceala, din cauza asta sunt mai grinch decat grinciul si am chef de shit talk & I want to violate your inner peace ;-). Albumul din 95 it sucks mult zgomot de fond, vioara trece.
    Sooooo continue to dream big, maybe some day you will become an Electric Wizard. Or not. Oricum... Muzica, asa se face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0adMmTsHnY invata.

  2. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  3. http://peaceandjusticethruart.blogspot.ro/ ; - ) : - ) )
